Julie Verdoni » Dr. Verdoni - Science

Dr. Verdoni - Science

Welcome! Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, contact the counseling office (extension 23717). 


Use Clever to access assignments in Schoology. If this is your first time accessing Clever, you will need to put your entire email address in ([email protected]) and your password that you always use to log into a computer at school. 

All coursework will be posted and linked in Schoology as we complete it in class. If you miss class for any reason, please check there for lectures and assignments from the days you are out. As always, feel free to email me with any questions! ([email protected]) or use Remind @ChemDrV
Click here for directions on how to download and utilize the Schoology app.


Textbook (Mcgraw Hill-Chemistry:  Matter and Change)  can be accessed through Clever. You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here; the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.  This will be infrequently used.  

I'm excited for another year at SHS.  On the right you can find some links to Chemistry information.  It is important that you along with your parents read and sign off on both the class policies/expectations and the laboratory safety expectations. These two documents are required to continue in the class. They are both linked on this page. The best way to reach me is to email [email protected] or stop by Room 613.  I will communicate frequently using email and Remind @ChemDrV.  Make sure you sign up for the correct remind class.  Feel free to ask any questions. 


Welcome back

If I have had you in the past welcome back to Dr. Verdoni's classroom.
It's a new number Room 613 this year.
If you are new to my classroom this year, I'm very excited to have you in Chemistry (or maybe directed studies).  I want to do a better job of learning about my students at the beginning of the year, especially how they feel about school and Chemistry.  So,  as you get ready for my class think about how do you feel about math, how do you feel about science, how do you feel about learning a new language, solving a puzzle, writing and explaining your thoughts.  I also want to know what activities you like whether they are school related or not. Sports? Hobbies?  Jobs?  Video games?  Babysitting? Let's  start off sharing some of this information.  We'll have some time in class and I hope you find learning about each other to be as interesting as Chemistry.

Another school year in the books

I'm so glad to have spent another year here at SHS.  I hope you enjoyed another year at SHS. 
Congratulations to everyone who earned credit for this graduation requirement.
If you did not, hopefully you were able to sign up for credit recovery or completed summer school.  If you are in chemistry again, good luck- stop by anytime to say hi.

New Year at SHS (2021)

Just a few more weeks of summer vacation.  Happy to be in my classroom getting ready for another year at SHS.  Can't wait to see my seats filled with students.  

Monday 8/17

Its so nice to be with students.  If you are distance learning I will try my best to communicate with you daily.  I would like there to be an announcements section on kiddom but have not yet found that.  Be patient and kind as I update kiddom with revised dates. No assignments will be marked late until 8/21.  I am working on powerpoint link error.  If you are having trouble accessing anything, please email with the assignment, activity name, date it is posted due on kiddom, what class you are in and the problem (a screenshot of the issue would be so helpful)  Thank so much.

Dr. Verdoni's Welcome Video

Welcome to my Chemistry Class 2.0. 2020 will start off as a blended community of distance and in person learners. This video will give you a brief introduction to me (your teacher) and what we will expect as we get started.

Materials Needed: 

You will NEED the following for Chemistry class and laboratory:

  • A composition notebook (lined is fine, $0.50 ) 
  • 3- ring binder and/or folder with pockets. There will be lots of handouts!!
  • your school issued computer (no personal devices can be used in class- no phones)
  • notebook/paper for scratch work
  • pencils (and pen)
  • Colored pencils  
  •  post-it notes (1 small packet should be enough)
  • a calculator 
  • 5 index cards
  • 1 dry erase marker
Things that may make class easier 
  • Index cards for studying  
  • Highlighter, post it notes, other study aides
  • headphones that can connect to school issued device
  • Exam gloves (latex/nitrile/ (prefer not vinyl)