Dr. Verdoni - Science
Welcome! Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, contact the counseling office (extension 23717).
Use Clever to access assignments in Schoology. If this is your first time accessing Clever, you will need to put your entire email address in ([email protected]) and your password that you always use to log into a computer at school.
Textbook (Mcgraw Hill-Chemistry: Matter and Change) can be accessed through Clever. You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here; the username and password are the same as your computer login at school. This will be infrequently used.
Another school year in the books
New Year at SHS (2021)
Monday 8/17
Dr. Verdoni's Welcome Video
Class Supplies (more details found in syllabus)
Materials Needed:
You will NEED the following for Chemistry class and laboratory:
- A composition notebook (lined is fine, $0.50 )
- 3- ring binder and/or folder with pockets. There will be lots of handouts!!
- your school issued computer (no personal devices can be used in class- no phones)
- notebook/paper for scratch work
- pencils (and pen)
- Colored pencils
- post-it notes (1 small packet should be enough)
- a calculator
- 5 index cards
- 1 dry erase marker
- Index cards for studying
- Highlighter, post it notes, other study aides
- headphones that can connect to school issued device
- Exam gloves (latex/nitrile/ (prefer not vinyl)
Remind Codes