Mr. Wright - Science

Mike Wright 

Environmental Science



Welcome! Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, email Mrs. Hockenberry or your counselor. 

  1. Maas: A-Di
  2. Knox: Dj-K
  3. Dickerson: L-Q
  4. Raffo: R-Z

You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here; the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.   

Environmental Science we will be using Schoology to access assignments. You can access Schoology from the Smyrna High School webpage under the student tab and click on Schoology. Use your student login information to sign into Schoology. Send me an email at [email protected] if you are unable to login. 
Environmental Science Students Only 
To access the online textbook, use the following link and follow the onscreen prompts to create an account.
Textbook Login 
Student Self-Registration Registration URL
Course Key MTPN74DQB3GJ