Juanita Bortnick » Welcome to the SHS School Health Page

Welcome to the SHS School Health Page

Welcome to our School Health Office. I am Nurse Juanita Bortnick. I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. My professional practice areas include hospital-based Critical Care and Special Care Units, Post Anesthesia Care, Interventional Procedure Nurse, and School Nursing since 2008. 
I serve as the SHS First Responder Team Leader and the Crisis Response Medical Team Leader. I am a trained Instructor of STOP THE BLEED from Vanderbilt University Hospital, and serve as an American Heart Association CPR, AED, and First Aid Instructor. I am proud to announce our school has been a Project Adam Heart Safe School since 2018 by establishing an Emergency Response Plan with our staff and students that includes annual CPR and AED training with EMS activation for sudden cardiac arrest on our school campus. 
Please feel free to reach out to me as needed. Email is the best way to reach the health office directly. I will email or reach out by phone to parents/guardians per Skyward contact information. Feel free to email or fax any current school year health information, forms, updated TN Immunization Certificates directly to SHS, attention School Nurse. Please note, all medical forms are required to be updated ANNUALLY and cannot be carried over to another school year. Please remember only essential medications will be administered during the school day and must be signed in by a parent/guardian, with all required forms on file, and in accordance with the most current RCS Medication Policy.