Aveda cosmetology to visit A representative from Aveda cosmetology will visit SHS during lunch Wednesday, August 23rd.
Football Scrimmage tonight The football team will have their final scrimmage tonight at Wilson Central High School
Jumpstart Job Fair The Jumpstart Job Fair connects juniors and seniors with employers offering part-time and full-time employment, internships and work-based learning opportunities.
Pursue Your Dreams in the Beauty Industry! Students, a representative from the Nashville Aveda Arts & Sciences Institutes will be at SHS on Wednesday, August 24th during lunches!
RCS Teacher Virtual Recruitment Fair Save the Date for the teacher virtual recruitment fair on April 10 from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Congrats to Mrs. Hillary Cummings! Mrs. Cummings is Channel 2's Educator of the Week for the week of November 16-20!
School Messenger from 9/2/2020 A message was sent to all students on 9/2/2020. Click here for the message.
Freshmen Returning from Distance Learning Any freshmen returning from Distance Learning tomorrow should report to the gym at 8:30 for a brief orientation.
Smyrna High School Football Tickets Click for more information on how to purchases tickets to our home football games
August 29 SAT @ SHS Canceled Smyrna High School will be cancelling the administration of the SAT on August 29 due to COVID 19. SAT will issue refunds or students may change test sites.