Dr. Sheila Bennett » IEP Information

IEP Information

IEP meetings will begin shortly after school starts and will continue through out the school year. 
Instructions on how to set up your computer/device for virtual meetings using TEAMs is listed on this web page. See joining teams on the right hand side at the bottom under the banner.
When we have the student's IEP meeting virtually, over the phone, or in-person, it is important that the student is present during the meeting. The IEP is for the student and is a plan for their high school career and post secondary education.  The student's input and data is what drives the IEP.  The data we collect is from grades, Easy CBM, and testing to just to name a few.
When holding an IEP meeting, the student's teachers are invited as well as an administrator and counselor.  If the student has specific special services then other personnel from central office is invited as well.  If the teachers are not able to attend they are asked to give input in writing on how the student is doing in the classroom.