Robert Drake » Purposeful Time for Student/Teacher Interaction (Office Hours)

Purposeful Time for Student/Teacher Interaction (Office Hours)

1.  You can talk to me live by going to this zoom meeting.   Click on this link anytime Monday through Friday 10:00 to 10:30.
2.  Atención Estudiantesa Distancia. A partir del Miércoles 16 de Septiembre tendremos ayuda para los estudiantes a distancia de 4:30-6:30. Es muy importante que se comunican con sus maestros para hacer sita. Cada session de ayuda será de 20 minutos. Se llevarán acabo en frente de la escuela en donde esperan el autobús. Recuerden que no les podemos ayudar si no tienen sita. Y es mandatorio traer mascarilla. Horario disponible: 4:30, 4:50, 5:10, 5:30, 5:50, 6:10.
Attention Distance Learners!!! Beginning Wednesday, September 16, we will have after school help sessions from 4:30-6:30. You must schedule an appointment. Choose 2 time slots. These sessions are for distance learners only. The help will happen where the buses arrive out front! You will see desks. You must wear a mask!!!! Times are 4:30, 4:50, 5:10, 5:30, 5:50,6:10. Three teachers will be available during those times!  Email me are coming.
3.  You can email me and ask a question at [email protected]